This is to remind & invite all members of Indian Social Club, Sohar for the 8th Annual General Body meeting to be held on Friday, 16th March 2018 in our office compound in Al Nahdha Garden, Sohar from 5 pm onwards. This will be followed by introduction of the new Executive Committee of Indian Social Club, Sohar for 2018-2019 by the Presiding Officers.
Only active members of Indian Social Club, Sohar i.e. members who have renewed their membership for 2018 will be allowed entry into the compound on production of valid I.D proof (Civil I.D card / Passport). Members with family status can come with their spouses. There will be a counter for on the spot renewal of membership to attend the AGM.
The agenda of the AGM is as follows
- Welcome address by the Chairman
- Secretary's report on the activities of the club in 2017
- Presentation of the audited accounts of 2017 by the Treasurer
- Question and answer session with members
- Vote of thanks
Any member desirous of raising any issue at the AGM may please submit the same to me personally in writing or send it to my e-mail I.D The
questions members wish to raise may please be sent latest by Wednesday, 14th March 2018. Only those issues which have been submitted prior to the AGM will be discussed.
The AGM will be followed by a cultural evening with a performance by a live band WingStrings. Other attraction for the evening include raffle draw and complimentary light dinner for members and their families. For us to know numbers for dinner please send a confirmatory message with your details to our WhatsApp number 91704647.
Please join us for the AGM to show support to your club. A poster attached for more details.
With warm regards
Mr. Rajesh Kondala
Hon. General Secretary

Indian Social Club, Sohar
Mobile : 99385148