Picnic Photos
Couple Photos

This is the last chance for members new or old to register themselves for the picnic to be held on Friday, 23rd January as we have to give the numbers to the
caterer. The venue of the member's only picnicis Jubilee Park (Westside, Gate no. 2, near
the traffic light on the road to Sohar Beach Hotel) from9.30 am onwards. Please register with any
Executive Committee member latest by 8 pm on Wednesday, 21st January.
The picnic day will start with breakfast (10 am - 11.30 am)
and will be followed by various games, lucky dips, photo corner, lunch, housie
or tambola and finally will wind off with evening tea and snacks. All are requested to get their own
folding chairs, mats, chatai, caps, hats, umbrellas etc. for the picnic.
With warm regards
Dr. Rajiv Tandon
Hon. Chairman