Dear Friends,
The Executive Committee of Indian Social Club, Sohar invites you all to take part in the 6th Annual Antakshari event is to be held on Friday, 11th December 2015 in the open air Amphitheatre in Sohar Recreational Centre, near Senaiya from 5 pm onwards. The event will be hosted by Mr. Ramesh Mani (CEO - Majan Glass Company) and Mrs. Namita Gupta (International Maritime College, Sohar). All
participants to come for registration at 5 pm.
Few slots are available for entries for Antakshari. Teams of 2-3 members interested in taking part to give their team names ASAP to Mrs. Sonali Khare @ 95163932. Rules for Antakshari are detailed in the poster attached.
Lot of entries have been received for the "Colours of India" program on Thursday, 17th Dec. 2015. We hope to have a colorful program that day encompassing all parts of India. Any member of the club or family of the same interested in compering the event may please contact us ASAP.
Hasya Kavi Sammelan by invited poets from India will be held on Saturday, 19th Dec. 2015. The poets are Arun Gemini, Padmini Mishra, Sudeep Soni, Dinesh Mishra, Anil Goel, Dinesh Raghuvansi and Rajendra Kumar. Entry snack coupons for the event may be collected from any Executive Committee member or at the Antakshari venue by payment of R.O 1/- for ISC, Sohar members and R.O 3/- for non-members.
I call upon corporate sponsors to help us out with these various events. Please contact me to sponsor prizes or the whole event.