The Executive Committee of Indian Social Club, Sohar has been organizing an annual blood donation drive every year for the past 10 years on the occasion of Mahatma Gandhi's birth anniversary. This year will mark our 10th Blood donation drive to coincide with the 150th birth anniversary of the Mahatma. For the last few years Tagleef Industries has been associated with this social effort along with us. This year the Tagleef Industries Blood Donation Camp by ISC, Sohar will be held on Friday, 4th Oct. 2019 between 10 am till 4 pm in 2nd floor of Lulu Hypermarket, Sohar. A poster attached with details.
We request all to come forward irrespective of religion, nationality, gender for this noble cause and show to the community where we stay that we care.
With warm regards.
Dr. Rajiv Tandon
Hon. Chairman