Dear friends,
Oh ! What a day, and the night ? 20 hours of non-stop cricket from 7 am till 3 am the other day ... 47 matches involving 36 teams taking part in the Elite Paper Corporate Cricket Cup 2018. The winners were Composite Pipe Industries and the runners up were Enhance Oman. Congratulations to both the teams. We would also like to thank all the teams and players who took part in the event to make it a huge success.
The Executive Committee of ISC, Sohar would like to thank our title sponsors Elite Paper Products a sister concern of Oman Porcelain Co. for their full support for the event. We are also grateful to others who supported us including All Nahdha group, Shamal Plastics, Oasis Water, Maysal water, Jindal Shadeed Iron & Steel, Ibn Sahara Sports, Badr al Samma Hospital, Lifeline Hospital & Indian House Restaurant.
This one is over and the other few events to follow are Antakshri on Friday, 14th Dec., Colours of India on Friday, 21st Dec. and the big event the Hasya Kavi Sammelan in association with Jindal Shadeed Iron & Steel by invited artists from India on Saturday, 15th Dec. All the events in Sohar Beach Hotel. We hope for your continued participation in all of the above.
Warm regards
Dr. Rajiv Tandon
Hon. Chairman
Indian Social Club, Sohar