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Family Picnic - VENUE : Sohar Entertainment Centre near Senaiya on 28-Jan-2011 from 10 a.m onwards

Dear Friends and fellow ISC, Sohar members,

As mentioned in the previous mail, the Executive committee of Indian Social Club, Sohar is organizing a Picnic or a family's day out on Friday 28th Jan. 2011 to coincide with the Republic Day.

Venue is the park of Sohar Entertainment Centre near Senaiya. (Same complex where the Antakhshri event took place).

Time from 10 a.m onwards

Plan for everybody to enjoy the pleasant weather, meet each other, spend time with family in the outdoors. Please bring your frisbees, mats / chatai and folding chairs if you so desire. You can also bring personal eatables to share with friends and fellow members. Ball games are not allowed in the park.

Activities will include games across all categories. Lucky dip prizes. Lots of game prizes if you help us with the sponsorship. We are looking for volunteers to help us organize these games. Please give ideas for games and your names as volunteers to Dr Mahesh Mistry 99418047 & Mrs Sonali Khare 95163932. Creative members please do give us ideas.

For logistical reason this picnic is only for members of Indian Social Club, Sohar, Non-members can take part by becoming members latest by 25th Jan.2011. Forms are at our website www.iscsohar.com

The cost for the picnic is highly subsidized. It is R.O 2/- for Single members & R.O 5/- for members with family status with children upto 18 years of age. For children above 18 years and for parents of members an additional R.O 2/- per individual need to be paid.

All those members and their families who want to attend the picnic can do so by registering themselvs by paying the fee mentioned above to any of the Executive Committee members whose phone nos. are mentioned below between 5 - 8 pm, latest by 25th Jan 2011. Only those members whose money is paid will be allowed to attend the picnic as we need to have an idea about how many people to cater lunch for and make arrangements accordingly. Lunch will be served strictly by lunch coupons.

Groups of members can collect money with one member / office and later pass the money to the collecting team with details. Please help us with the logistics. It is our first attempt to do a picnic at such a large scale.

The names and phone no. of the Executive members are as follows. Money can be given to either of them between 5 - 8 pm mentioning no. of members of family and whether Veg or Non-Veg. Remember last date is 25th Jan, but don't wait that long.

  1. Mr M.S Jha 99838233 ... al Nadha corporate office
  2. Mr Sunil Sharma 92808104 ... Al Badi residential complex / Port area
  3. Mr M. Mahadevan 95223134 ... Humbar area
  4. Mr Elangovan 95650662 ............. Port area
  5. Dr Mahesh Mistry 99418047 ... Al Badi residential complex
  6. Mrs Mousmi Bandhopadya 92937065 ... Indian School, Sohar
  7. Mr Nell Vaz 99004413 ..... Souq area Sohar
  8. Mr Ramesh 99462870 .... Falaj area
  9. Mr R. Ravindran 95043265 ... Sohar University
  10. Mr R. Ravishankar 99366597 .... Industrial Area
  11. Mrs Sonali Khare 95163932 ... Palm Garden
  12. Mr Sreekumar 92515803 ... Hambar area
  13. Mr M.P Thomas 99647995 ... Hambar area / Indian School

Hoping to see lots of you registering and coming for the picnic. Please inform your spouses about the picnic as they always complain that e-mails are going more to male members.

Also please help us with sponsorship as we need money for food, drinks, gifts, music etc.


Dr Rajiv Tandon

Hon. Chairman,

Indian Social Club, Sohar


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