Felicitation of Mr Naveen Jindal, Honourable Member of Parliament on 11.01.11
in Crowne Plaza Hotel, Sohar |
Ladies and Gentlemen.
Very few people achieve what they set out to do so early in life. We are
indeed honoured to have in our midst an individual like this. For the first time
ever if I am a correct a Member of Parliament from India is gracing a platform
in Sohar. The personality in question is none other than Mr. Naveen Jindal,
Executive Vice Chairman, Managing Director, Jindal Steel & Power Ltd.
Naveenji is a youth icon in India. He is a dynamic individual who graces
business forums, parliament, public causes & sports arena with equal ease. For a
man who studied in Texas, USA and now representing a very rural constituency of
Kurukshetra in Haryana, for the second time shows how well he can straddle the
two worlds of rural and urban India.
He has been listed as one of the 25 Global leaders from India in the World
Economic Forum annual list. Under his leadership, Jindal Steel & Power Limited
has been rated as the second highest value creator in the world by Boston
Consultancy Group. JSPL was awarded the Forbes Asia’s ‘Fabulous 50’
international award in 2009. It has also been rated among India’s 50 best Blue
Chip companies by Dalal Street journal.
A very able parliamentarian like his father late Shri O.P. Jindal, Naveenji has
been active participant in Parliamentary debates. Mr. Naveen Jindal is a Member
of various Parliamentary committees including Public Accounts Committee,
Standing Committee on Home Affairs, Consultative Committee of Ministry of
Defence, Civil Aviation, and Road Transport. He is also the Convener,
Parliamentary Forum on Children.
As a parliamentarian he is committed to weeding out corruption, promotion of
clean environment and providing health and educational facilities to all. The
schools built by his company in Raigarh, Angul, and Hissar and elsewhere are a
testament to the fact.
He has become an ardent champion of Indians displaying their patriotism. His
legal battles to allow each and every Indian the right to respectfully fly the
Indian Flag day and now in the night with good illumination, the right of
Indians to use their own National currency in Duty free shops in their own
country is part of our history now. Very recently, only last week I read his
article about inability to use the Indian Rupee by foreigners in Indian Duty
free shops to be an eye opener. I was unaware of that fact. I wish him success
in this his latest crusade.
Very few people know that Mr. Naveen Jindal is an avid sportsman. A sharp
shooter with a National Record in Skeet, unbroken to date, a Polo enthusiast and
now an avid champion of Indian Hockey, Mr. Jindal has made his presence felt
amongst the youth of India.
It gives me great pleasure ladies and gentlemen to welcome Mr. Naveen Jindal
tonight and I request him to please come on stage.
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