Library Volunteers Appeal
Library - Volunteers for reading room of ISC, Sohar
Dear Friends, 

The Executive Committee of Indian Social Club, Sohar proposes to start a temporary reading room / library and recreation facilities like Table Tennis, Badminton, Carrom etc. in the premises of Al Nahdha old office camp for 2 hours every day from 7 pm to 9 pm. The above premises have been very graciously offered by the management of Al Nahdha group of companies and we are highly grateful to them.
These facilities will be strictly only for members of Indian Social Club, Sohar. The exact date of starting and other modalities will be communicated to all in due course. However for the above to function we need a team of 30-40 volunteers either male or female who will each contribute one day of the month for those 2 hours when the reading room / club will be open. A rota will then be made for the volunteers. 

Without this team of volunteers it will not be possible at present to enable the reading room to function. I would like all those who want to volunteer for this social cause for fellow club members to send a mail to us with their ISC, Sohar membership no., e-mail ID and mobile no. as soon as possible preferably by the end of the week to or by SMS to Mr Ravindran Ramabadran at 95043265.

I would also request members and companies to help sponsor the cost for locally available newspapers / magazines in English and one in each Indian Language to be placed in the reading room. Your company will be duly acknowledged on our website for the same.
We would also request members to start identifying spare books with them in very good condition esp. reference books, coffee table books, encyclopedias, works of reputed authors which can be donated to the reading room of Indian Social Club, Sohar. Please pack them in appropriate sized cartons with your name and other details and deposit them in the office of Indian Social Club, Sohar in Al Nahdha old camp office between 5 pm to 8 pm and hand them over to Mr. Wasim after fixing an appointment with him at 99228965.
With warm regards. Hoping for volunteers for the above effort.
Dr. Rajiv Tandon
Hon. Chairman,
Indian Social Club, Sohar

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