Ambassador of India to Muscat H.E. Shri Indra Mani Pandey's Visit to Sohar
Ambassador of India to Muscat H.E. Shri Indra Mani Pandey's Visit to Labour Camp
Dear Friends,
As you all know we have a new Ambassador of India in Muscat. H.E, Shri Indra Mani Pandey has assumed office only a few months ago.
The Executive Committee of Indian Social Club, Sohar had expressed our desire for him to visit Sohar and it gives me great pleasure to inform you that H.E has accepted our invitation. H.E, the Indian Ambassador will be visiting Sohar on Friday, 25th September 2015.
The Executive Committee of Indian Social Club, Sohar will be hosting a public reception for him that day. We request the members of the Indian Community of Sohar to turn out in large numbers to welcome him on Friday, 25th September at 10.30 am at Jindal Shadeed Hall, Falaj Township, Falaj Qabail (near Sohar Port roundabout).
The entry to the venue is free and open to all.
With warm regards
Dr. Rajiv Tandon
Hon. Chairman
Indian Social Club, Sohar